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Sleep Efficiency


Sleep efficiency is a measure of how much time you actually spend sleeping while you're in bed, compared to the total amount of time you spend in bed.

Scientific / Technical Definition

Sleep efficiency is calculated as the ratio of total sleep time to time spent in bed. It is expressed as a percentage and is used to assess the quality of sleep. High sleep efficiency indicates that a person spends a large proportion of time in bed sleeping, with minimal time falling asleep or being awake.


  • Improved physical recovery and growth
  • Better cognitive function and memory consolidation
  • Enhanced mood and mental health
  • Lower risk of chronic health conditions
  • Better weight management through regulated hormones


  • A person with high sleep efficiency might go to bed at 10 PM, sleep by 10:15 PM, wake up at 6 AM, and get out of bed straight away.
  • A person with low sleep efficiency might spend an hour awake in bed due to insomnia, resulting in less actual sleep.

Additional Information

  • effects: High sleep efficiency is associated with better sleep quality and overall health. Low sleep efficiency may indicate sleep disorders or habits that negatively impact health.
Last updated: 10/19/2024