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Total Carbohydrates


Total carbohydrates on a nutrition label represent the sum of all the types of carbohydrates in a food product, including sugars, dietary fiber, and starches.

Scientific / Technical Definition

Total carbohydrates are comprised of sugars, both innate and added, oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, and other complex carbohydrates. They are quantified based on their calorific contribution and biochemical composition, which involves chains of glucose units.


  • Provide a primary source of energy for the body.
  • Support brain function and muscle activity.
  • Aid in digestive health when coming from fiber-rich carbohydrates.


  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

Additional Information

  • Known issues: Consuming excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates can lead to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Last updated: 10/19/2024